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Run the clients

Before running the clients

Make sure you have

  • shut down v1 by running docker compose down in server/v1/
  • change to /server/v2/ then
    • run to create the .env file
    • run docker compose up -d to launch the service
    • run ../ to populate the service
      • Windows: python ..\

otherwise the clients will not work as described below. (see Launch and populate)

The Alice client

Let's start with the alice client. We will do exactly the same thing as when v1 was running. Notice how everything just works.

In the clients/alice/ folder run You will see the following:

Meeting Buddy
1. Developer Meeting Room
2. Customer Meeting Room 1
3. Customer Meeting Room 2
4. Main Boardroom

Please select a venue to manage [1-4] (q to quit, c to cancel):

To see the events scheduled in the Developer Meeting Room, type 1 and hit Enter:

Events for Developer Meeting Room
  1. 09:00:00 Daily Standup (15 minutes)
  2. 10:00:00 Requirements review (1 hour)
[A]dd an event, [R]egister, [V]iew attendees (q to quit, c to cancel):

To see who is attending the Daily Standup, type v (enter) then 1 (enter):

Attending "Daily Standup" on 2025-02-07 at 09:00:00:
- Pat Hartman
- Terry Graves
- Jamie Kelly
- Felicia Winters

Ugly UI ahead

To keep the code small and easier to focus on the API integration, the UI is very ugly and finicky.

To schedule a Code Review meeting in the Developer Meeting Room:

  • type a (enter)
  • type Code Review (enter)
  • type 2025-03-14 (enter)
  • type 10:00:00 (enter)
  • type '1h (enter)
Events for Developer Meeting Room
  1. 09:00:00 Daily Standup (15 minutes)
  2. 10:00:00 Requirements review (1 hour)
[A]dd an event, [R]egister, [V]iew attendees (q to quit, c to cancel): a
Please enter the name of your event (q to quit, c to cancel): Code Review
What date is your event? [YYYY-MM-DD] (q to quit, c to cancel): 2025-03-14
What time does the event start? [HH:MM:SS] (q to quit, c to cancel): 10:00:00
How long is the event? [#m or #h] (q to quit, c to cancel): 1h

> Success

Events for Developer Meeting Room
  1. 09:00:00 Daily Standup (15 minutes)
  2. 10:00:00 Requirements review (1 hour)
  3. 10:00:00 Code Review (1 hour)
[A]dd an event, [R]egister, [V]iew attendees (q to quit, c to cancel):


We will look at registering to attend an event in a future discussion.

Exit the alice client: type q (enter).

The Bob client

Change into clients/bob then run

Right away we run into an error:

Meeting Buddy
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/michael/git/pointw-dev/hypermedia-demo/clients/bob/./", line 19, in <module>
  File "/home/michael/git/pointw-dev/hypermedia-demo/clients/bob/./", line 12, in main
    venue = Venue.select_venue()
  File "/home/michael/git/pointw-dev/hypermedia-demo/clients/bob/", line 89, in select_venue
    venues_data = result.json()['_items']
KeyError: '_items'

Let's take a look at line 89:

def select_venue():
    url = url_join(BASE_API_URL, '/venues')
    result = requests.get(url, headers=HEADERS)
    venues_data = result.json()['_items']
    venues = [Venue(venue) for venue in venues_data]

We can see the problem is the two lines before 89. The URL is built using the location where the /venues resource used to be served. The GET returns something that does not include _items (a 404 response that a real client would check for). When line 89 tries to access _items, the KeyError is thrown.

In the next page we will look at what it will take to fix bob to work with v2.

Released under the MIT License.

Released under the MIT License.