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Client code review

Both alice and bob have almost identical code. The key differences are how determine the URLs when they make API requests.

The files for each client are as follows:

meeting_buddy.pyThis defines the main() function which is the entry point of the application.
config.pySets the constant(s) needed for the client to operate.
api.pyDefines the Api class which provides functions to make using the API easier.
venue.pyDefines the Venue class
event.pyDefines the Event class
console.pyDefines the Console class, which provides functions to control the console/UI
utils.pyDefines any helper functions (currently only format_duration()

The bulk of the client's behaviour is defined in and


The functions stereotyped as <<api>> are the functions that send requests to the backend.

A closer look at Bob


To open the bob client in VSCode, in the clients/bob/ folder type:

code .

As you recall, bob is a client that uses the "memorize endpoints" approach to API integration. In the run-through above, we used bob to list the attendees of the Daily Standup scheduled in the Developer Meeting Room. What does bob need to know in order to perform this? We know that all data and functionality are in the one service component. So bob needs to know:

  • the base URL for that service component
  • the path to append to the base URL to GET venues
  • how to construct the URL to GET the events for a venue
  • how to construct the URL to GET the registrations for an event

In short, bob must know all the URLs required to operate the service (or how to build each URL). The bob development team will typically look to service documentation to find all the endpoints, e.g. from a Swagger generated page.

The value of the base URL is set in

# (bob)
BASE_API_URL = 'http://localhost:2112'

The other items in the above list are hard-coded within the functions where the GET requests are made. For example venue.select_venues() is where the client sends the GET request for the list of venues:

# (bob)
def select_venue():
    url = url_join(BASE_API_URL, '/venues')
    result = requests.get(url, headers=Api.get_headers())

To create the URL to GET the events for a venue, see venue.get_events():

# (bob)
def get_events(self):
    url = url_join(BASE_API_URL, f'/venues/{self["_id"]}/events')
    result = requests.get(url, Api.get_headers())

This will be a familiar pattern to many of you.

A closer look at Alice


To open the alice client in VSCode, in the clients/alice/ folder type:

code .

Unlike bob, alice only knows about one URL - the URL for the service itself. From this one URL, alice relies on the service to provide all the others. So alice needs to know:

  • the URL of the API
  • the link relations (i.e. labels) that connect one resource to other resources, or to operations for that resource.
    • to find the venues related to a resource, alice looks for a link relation named venues
    • to find the events related to a resource, alice looks for a link relation named events

The alice development team can read about the list of link relations from the service documentation, and/or by exploring the API itself (e.g. in Postman).

Let's compare the code from the alice client to the same code we looked at so far in bob:

The file for alice is the same:

# (alice)
BASE_API_URL = 'http://localhost:2112'

The alice client adds a couple of methods to the Api class.

# (alice)
def get_root_resource(cls):
    if cls._root_resource:
        return cls._root_resource

    result = requests.get(BASE_API_URL, headers=cls.get_headers())
    cls._root_resource = result.json()
    return cls._root_resource

def url_from_resource(resource, rel):
    href = resource['_links'][rel]['href']
    url = href
    if href.startswith('/'):
        url = Api.url_join(BASE_API_URL, href)
    return url

The get_root_resource() method is the only time alice uses its knowledge of the API's URL. It does this to get the root resource (see GET the root resource with Postman)

So how does alice get the list of venues? The same as bob does, except for how it determines the URL of the GET request. In venue.select_venues(), it looks like this:

# (alice)
def select_venue():
    root = Api.get_root_resource()
    url = Api.url_from_resource(root, 'venues')
    result = requests.get(url, headers=Api.get_headers())

First alice gets the root resource. It will use this to find where the venues are located. Here is the relevant snippet from the root resource JSON:

    "_links": {
        "venues": {
            "href": "/venues",
            "title": "venues"

Next alice uses url_from_resources() to look up the href in the resource's _links object having a link relation of venues. This translates to, "From the root resource, follow the link named 'venues' and send a GET request"

Once the user has selected a venue, alice needs that venue's events. To create the URL to GET the events for a venue, see venue.get_events():

# (alice)
def get_events(self):
    url = Api.url_from_resource(self, 'events')
    result = requests.get(url, headers=Api.get_headers())

In other words: follow this venue (self) to its events and send a GET request. On my machine, the JSON for the venue in question was as follows (your _id, _etag and dates will be different):

    "_id": "67c0a76cee79b468604e0f14",
    "name": "Developer Meeting Room",
    "capacity": 5,
    "_updated": "2025-02-27T17:57:00",
    "_created": "2025-02-27T17:57:00",
    "_etag": "f883d2a897c455d3eb7febe229847c40188f6eaa",
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/venues/67c0a76cee79b468604e0f14",
            "title": "venue"
        "edit-form": {
            "href": "/venues/67c0a76cee79b468604e0f14/edit-form",
            "title": "GET to fetch edit-form"
        "events": {
            "href": "/venues/67c0a76cee79b468604e0f14/events",
            "title": "events"

Compare this to the bob version:

# (bob)
def get_events(self):
    url = url_join(BASE_API_URL, f'/venues/{self["_id"]}/events')
    result = requests.get(url, Api.get_headers())

The bob client had to construct the URL that was there in the _links all along. Instead of constructing the URL, alice blindly follows the href for the events link relation.

Released under the MIT License.

Released under the MIT License.