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Set up the demo


To run this demo you will need:

  • Docker
  • Python
  • git
  • (optional) Postman, cURL, or other API calling tool
  • (optional) VSCode, or other IDE or text editor

Clone the repo

You can clone the demo from GitHub:

git clone

The repo contains both a server and clients in the following folders:

└─reset.pyResets the data stored in the service. Run this before running any other clients for the first time, and any time thereafter to start the scenario over.
└─v1/This folder contains the initial version of Event Buddy, released as a single service.
└─v2/This folder contains a version of Event Buddy that provides the same data and capabilities as v1, but its architecture has been refactored. This will be described in further detail in an upcoming section.
└─alice/This folder contains a client that uses Event Buddy following hypermedia. Works with Event Buddy v1, v2 and any future version as long as it stays committed to the hypermedia approach.
└─bob/This folder contains a client built to use Event Buddy v1, implemented with knowledge of the service architecture.
└─bob-v2/This folder contains an updated version of the v1 client built to use Event Buddy v2, implemented with knowledge of the service architecture

Install packages

In the repo folder, create a Python virtual environment called hypermedia-demo (or any name you wish). This step is optional but highly recommended.

Install halchemy, which is used by the script.

pip install halchemy

Installing halchemy also installs the requests library. Both the alice client and the bob client use this - to keep the comparison between the two apples-to-apples.

Released under the MIT License.

Released under the MIT License.