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What is halchemy?

Halchemy is a library you use to create client applications - applications that call APIs which use Hypermedia Application Language (HAL).

HAL is an addition to JSON. It is JSON with links[1]. This combines the data your client needs to know about a resource with links to other related resources, or links to operate the resource itself.

Here is an example of a customer resource, represented in HAL:

    "customerId": "A375",
    "givenName": "John",
    "familyName": "Doe",
    "active": false,
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/customers/662fbf1eb5442453d30e4d7a"
        "orders": {
            "href": "/customers/662fbf1eb5442453d30e4d7a/orders"
        "activate": {
            "href": "/customers/662fbf1eb5442453d30e4d7a/activate",
            "method": "PUT",
            "_note": "PUT (with no body) to active this customer"

How halchemy helps

Let's say your client did a GET request and the above JSON is now in a variable named customer.

With this customer in hand, you may want to:

  • POST an order for this customer
  • GET the orders this customer has made
  • update the customer's name
  • activate the customer
  • print the customer's name

In a hypermedia application, each of these operations is done by following a link. Let's look at how halchemy improves your client code. These examples only scratch the surface of how halchemy helps.

POST an order

GET the orders

Update the given name

Activate the customer

These are only a few examples of how halchemy lets your client application more easily make full use of your HAL-based API.

Further reading

[1] HAL adds links to JSON (application/hal+json) and to XML (application/hal+xml). Halchemy only works with the JSON flavour of HAL.

Released under the MIT License.

Released under the MIT License.